rename multiple files in Windows

How to rename multiple files in Windows

Renaming files is a simple task for most people, but it can be cumbersome when you have to do it for multiple files. If you’re looking for a way to batch rename multiple files quickly in Windows, here’s how to go about it. This article is made by

1. Create a list of the files

rename multiple files in Windows

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  • Create a list of the files you want to rename.
  • Add any files that you want to rename into your list by clicking “Add” or pressing CTRL + A on your keyboard, then selecting them from Explorer and right-clicking one at a time (or holding down SHIFT and selecting multiple items).
  • Remove any unwanted items from your list by clicking “Remove” or pressing DEL on your keyboard while they’re selected, then confirming that you want them gone when prompted with “Are You Sure? Yes/No”. Be careful not to delete anything important! You can discover also disk cleanup compress your os drive.

2. Navigate to the folder containing those files

In order to rename individual files, you’ll need to know where they are stored. There are a few ways of doing this:

  • Windows Explorer (or File Explorer on Windows 10) will show you all of your folders as icons on your desktop or in a sidebar menu. To open it up, click on “Start” then “Computer.” You can also press [Windows] + E at any time during this process if you want to access it right away!
  • If you’re using an earlier version of Windows with no built-in app for browsing through folders, try opening up Notepad by pressing [Windows] + R then typing notepad into the Run dialog box that appears next and pressing Enter/Return key on keyboard; Notepad will open up so we can type some text into it!

3. Click the first file you want to rename

The first step is to click the file you want to rename. If you’re renaming multiple files at once, select them by clicking and dragging a box around them. You can also press Ctrl+A on your keyboard to select all of the items in your folder at once.

Once you’ve selected one or more files, they’ll appear highlighted in blue or green depending on their type (for example, photos will show up as blue). This indicates that they’re ready for renaming!

4. Press F2 or right-click and select Rename from the context menu that appears

You can rename files on Windows using the F2 key or by right-clicking and selecting Renaming from the context menu.

To use the F2 key, simply press it once for each file you want to rename. Pressing the key will cause a box with text entry fields at its top left corner; type your new name in this box and press Enter on your keyboard when done. If you don’t want to use either of these methods, there are many third-party programs available that can help simplify renaming multiple files at once!

5. Type in a new name for the file, then press Enter

Now that you’ve renamed a single file, let’s look at how to rename multiple files.

To rename multiple files:

  • Open a new File Explorer window by pressing Windows+E on your keyboard, or by clicking the File tab and selecting New > Window from the drop-down menu.
  • In this window, select all of the files that you want to change their names (hold down Ctrl while clicking each one).
  • Right-click any one of those selected files and choose Rename from its context menu; this will open up another dialog box where we can type in our new names for these files/folders!

6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each of the other files you want to rename

Once you have renamed the first file, repeat steps 3 through 5 for each of the other files you want to rename. You can use the same name for all of them, or change their names individually.

It is important that when you rename a file in Windows Explorer, its original name is not changed until you actually save it with its new name. If you want to change multiple files at once without changing their original names, consider using an application like Bulk Rename Utility (free) or File Namer ($20).


Now that you know how to rename multiple files in Windows, you can use these steps any time you need to batch rename a bunch of files quickly. This is especially useful if you’re working with digital photos or music files and want them all named the same way so they’re easier to find later on when browsing through your computer’s folders.

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