Programming tips

Tips to be a good programmer

Learning programming is not a bed of roses. It is difficult, demanding, and demands the development of specific skills. But it can also be fun if you do it in an orderly way and allow you to unleash your creativity. Because programming is an activity of logic, but also creativity. The 42 Madrid methodology is based on peer learning, where the most valuable thing is to learn from your partner. An educational model in which students learn from each other through collaborative work, overcoming, sharing challenges, and, above all, evaluating each other. An ideal environment to follow these tips to the letter, which are almost a guarantee of success. What is a guarantee is 42 if we are talking about employability? 100%!

Choose A Language

There are an incredible number of programming languages ​​out there. Some very strange ones are really useless. But, the thing is, you have to start slow. Choose to start with just one thing at a time and practice as much as possible. Then you can move on to the next. And to the next, and to the next. Why start in C as in 42 Madrid? C is one of the most basic and transcendental languages ​​in terms of the different existing programming languages. With C we are able to program applications, commands, and tools that will help you in development and it is a fundamental base for a programmer.

Programming in C has been the original source of other programming languages, and for that reason, their syntax can become similar. For example the languages ​​C++, Objective-C, C#, PHP or JavaScript. That is why it is so important to learn to program in C since it helps programmers to understand other languages ​​more easily.

Understand The Fundamentals Of Programming

You will be tempted to take a lot of shortcuts when learning a new programming language. It is very good to use your favorite search engine on the internet, do not feel guilty about it. If you don’t remember the syntax it’s okay, but you need to understand the fundamentals of programming if you don’t want to end up hating your job.

Use Online Tutorials

Your lifesaver. Knowledge is global and there is an infinite amount of information out there. Learning new skills is easier than ever. Why use tutorials? You get multiple perspectives, there is no time limit, and it helps you learn faster and more efficiently. Also, if you are able to watch videos at x2 speed.

Dedicate Hours To Learning Every Day

You don’t need to have a hanging calendar to mark with a cross the days you sit in front of the screen. It takes a lot of dedication and discipline to want to learn every day. Read blogs and forums, watch videos, and talk to other programmers of all levels. Don’t stop learning new things and building. And she remembers: peer learning will get you further than anything!

Practice, Practice, Practice!

There is a classic New York City joke that goes something like this:

Tourist: Excuse me, do you know how to get to Carnegie Hall? New Yorker: Practicing, practicing…

The same thing happens with programming to achieve success. The creation of projects parallel to training is the turbo on the way to mastering the art of programming. “Do not try. Do it or do not. But don’t try,” said Master Yoda.

Don’t Give Up

Yoda’s words are equally valid here. It is VERY possible that things will not start off in a favorable way once your immersion in the code begins. We are talking about tolerance for frustration, an eternal and necessary travel companion for programmers.

One of the keys to becoming a good developer is to never give up. You will be surprised how quickly you can learn new concepts. Non-stop. Getting started is always difficult. But leaving home to go to the gym is too, and when you finish it’s always rewarding, yes.

Don’t Reinvent The Wheel Unless You Have To

Keep things simple and take advantage of libraries that help make your job easier. Not all solutions need to be built from scratch

Yes, we all have brilliant ideas, but it never hurts to check if someone else had them before us.

Learn To Use The Command Line

It is very useful to know and it is easier than most people think. While it may seem complicated at first, it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it! Once you master it, there is no going back. Like yoga.

Work On Your Soft Skills

Having a deep understanding of code is a no-brainer, but if you master the soft skills, you’ll jump right into the top 5%.

Practice writing, it will help you in the long run. We imagine your face when reading this but trust us. Mastering soft skills will set you apart from the rest. At 42 Madrid we advocate for it and it is not free.

Pamper Your Portfolio

Showing your projects and work in an orderly and attractive way is the best way for the labor market to notice you. It is your CV made tangible. I am and I know how to do this, see for yourself. Picasso said that great artists copy, but geniuses steal. If you want, don’t steal, but get inspired by the portfolio of other more senior and/or creative programmers.

Trick? There’s nothing a recruiter likes more than a GitHub graph that looks like the bathroom tile in his parents’ house.

Document Your Trip

Tweet about your learning and get inspired by others. Write blogs. Participate in forums. And if you don’t like it, share your process with other people like you. In 42 Madrid it is easy because learning is between peers. Many people are starting their journey today; you will inspire them.

You may like to read 10 tips to become a better programmer

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