Copy the above cell value to the current cell in Excel

How to Copy the above cell value to the current cell in Excel

I’m sure you’ve been in a situation where you need to copy the above cell value to the current cell in Excel. In this post, I will share tips for how to copy the above cell value to the current cell in Excel. So let’s get started! The blog post is presented by

Steps to copy the above cell value to the current cell in Excel

To copy the above cell value to the current cell in Excel, you need to select the cell you wish to copy the value from. Hold down the Ctrl key, click on the cell, and drag it down until you have selected all of the cells that you would like to copy from. Then, right-click anywhere within your selection and choose to Fill Down from the pop-up menu. Take a look at the viper architecture.

1. Select the cell you wish to copy the value from

Copy the above cell value to the current cell in Excel

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  • Select the cell you wish to copy the value from
  • Click on the fill icon
  • Click on the down arrow and select “copy and fill down”

2. Hold down the Ctrl key, click on the cell, and drag down until you have selected all of the cells that you would like to copy from

To copy from above, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the cell that contains the data you want to copy. Then drag down until you have selected all of the cells that you would like to copy from.

When done, release your mouse button or lift up your finger from a touchscreen device (if using one)

3. Click on the Home tab, then click on the “Fill” icon which is located at the bottom left-hand corner of your toolbar, as illustrated below

To copy the above cell value to the current cell in Excel, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Select the cell that contains all of your data, including the cells you want to copy over (in this case, it’s A2)
  • Click on the Home tab, then click on the “Fill” icon which is located at the bottom left-hand corner of your toolbar, as illustrated below
  • Click on the OK button

4. In this pop-up window, select the “Copy and Fill Down” option and click the OK button

  • In this pop-up window, select the “Copy and Fill Down” option and click the OK button.

This will copy the contents of your selected cells to all other cells below it on a new row.

Things to keep in mind

– If you want to copy the values only, but not the formulas, then select “Paste Link” instead of “Paste”.

– If you have data in multiple columns, then make sure that your selected cell is in the first row of those columns.

– If you have data in multiple rows, then make sure that your selected cell is in the first column of those rows.

– If you want to copy the contents of a specific range, then click on it with your mouse and drag it over to another location.

– If you want to copy the contents of your selected cells to all other cells below it on a new row, then press CTRL+SHIFT+END.

– You can also use the “Paste Special” option in Excel’s menu bar to copy data from one location to another.


Now you know how to copy the above cell value to the current cell in Excel. It is very easy, right? You can apply this technique to your workbook so that it will save a lot of time and effort when copying values from one place to another.

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